Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reality Exists where You See It


Some people may think TV is a waste of time, or it's foolish to look at it as any more than entertainment. And for some programs, that is true. But for others, there's something there that sort of extends reality. For some people, if they have a lot of challenge in their life and they view a program with intrinsic hope, it can inspire ongoing hope in them as well, it can provide what they need and inspire more. That's real.

If someone has experienced only a specific type of person in their life, but they see a different example on screen, that can make a difference, too. Sure, that 'character' is just that, but someone had to create that character, someone had to become that character and someone needed to be able to make that character out as a believable person. For all those reasons, I feel you can look at that character and say 'if they can exist in that way, they can exist' type of thing. That kind of person can be in the world somewhere. They're real.

The feelings that are imparted onto you from viewing certain programs are real. If they may inspire you to live your life in a different way, that is real and that's strong.

Of course there is thoughtless entertainment, but there is also very real programming and things that can be like a good book. If you read a lot, aside from those who think you're just shy and maybe a shut-in, I think a lot would think you're cultured and intellectual. There are book clubs, it's a valid activity. They discuss the books and all that and I don't think people think you're wasting your life leafing through pages. At least not in anyway as they may say you're wasting your life in front of the 'idiot box'. But as I say, certain programming can take you to a powerful place similar to how a book can. The two mediums are very different, although I believe they can share that similar vein. 

Although this is a 'diary~thought', this is actually relative to my blog, as a lot of my current works have been inspired by two such worlds on screen that intertwine with my own to create something more. I hope through my relative, creative mediums, you can feel a touch of that fantastic inspiration that I am referring to when I say TV is only an idiot box if you watch it passively. If you feel what you're watching and engage with it, it's like ingredients to your inspiration. Trust me, I gain inspiration from multiple-facets within my life; books, nature, TV, etc...and I really do wonder how my creativity would've turned out up to now, if any one of those worlds didn't exist for me to interact with. : )

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