Tuesday, July 31, 2012

~Think Pink~

So, I'm still working on things, creatively. Don't worry, I'll get there.
In the meantime, I've been engaging in another tried-&-true, timeless activity: reading. 
What have I been reading? Oh, many things. But what I'd like to talk about for this 'Diary~Thought' is, Pink!  Now, I've not been reading specifically about pink (although I'm sure it would be a fascinating kind of read). More so, I tend to be reading parental anecdotes and the like and come across a little pink distraction. Namely, a few parents who seem to be saying they consciously avoid purchasing pink for their daughters, so as not to -I believe- gender-role them. 

This always gives me cause for pause. Did it just you? I mean, if your daughter were to have a closet full of blues, reds, yellows, greens, oranges and purples, some pink mixed in there I hardly think will turn the entire closet pink! And what if your daughter has a natural inclination for the light side of the red hues? What's say she *doesn't* say that she wants to wear pink because all her girlfriends wear pink, or because it's the only good colour for a girl or that real girls wear pink, or because she *has* to (unless she's the dramatic type who *has* to do everything she desires in the moment--but I digress : p). What if instead she says she wants that pink simply because she *likes* it. : ) Maybe in the same shopping trip, she has also picked out something in a nice blue hue, or maybe she's a dyed-in-the-wool pinky, and even when shopping for daddy she selects something pink (or maybe she loves it because her favourite Power Ranger is Pink. Not that I have personal experience with such.... : p). But if this be your girl, are you going to deny your pink~enthusiast the colour that makes her heart just flutter? Deny it due just to some 'concern' with it?

Now, I'm not saying this if even what those parents are doing. More likely, they just purchase all the other colours while they're alone on shopping trips, but then must inevitably give into that pink when daughters are in-toe, resulting in a lovely combo-closet. But it's just when I read such anecdotes that seem to more-than-elude to conscious avoidance of pink, the thing that comes into my mind are how extremes can go the other way......is a "gotta' avoid pink" mindset really any better than a "pink, pink, pink!" one? Especially if you or a little girl you buy for actually enjoy pink. It's just where my mind goes. Gotta' be a balance, I think. My mental world is not inclined to be black and white, or shall I saw, red and pink. There are lovely grays, or roses if you will, and I suppose that's my point. 

So, I hope this little 'Dairy~Thought' has encouraged you to Think~Pink! 
(or at least *about* pink)! : )

This has been "Techtra"
Writing to you in dusty blue and coppery-gold, & going on the record as a turquoise~fav-er!

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